Legal Notice


The present legal notice regulates the use of (herienafter “the Website”) that Intergentium makes available for Internet users. Intergentium is an LLP with registered address in Calle Velázquez 37, 28001, and V.A.T. nº B-80337678.


Intergentium provides you with use or access to the Website, as well as services made available by Intergentium or by third parties.


The use or access of the Website means that you accept the present terms and conditions. You compromise yourself to use the Website in accordance with the present Legal Notice and the applicable Laws of Spain.

You can use or access freely the Website, except for those parts which are not available or require a previous user registration.

Users guarantee the authenticity of the data given to Intergentium. Intergentium accepts no responsibility for the damages caused by the use of such information.

Users will refrain from using any service for illicit purposes which could damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the use of the services, computers, documents, archives and all kind of contents stored in any computer or server (“hacking”), belonging to Intergentium, or to any other users, including Internet users (“hardware” and “software”).
Users undertake to use correctly the contents of the Website, including but not limited to texts, pictures, graphics, images, icons, technologies, software, links and other audio-visual or sound contents, as well as their graphic design and fountain codes in accordance with the present Legal Notice and the applicable Laws of Spain.

In particular, Users undertake to refrain from:

Reproducing, copying, distributing, publicly communicating, changing or modifying the content of the Website, unless they are expressly authorized by Intergentium or it follows from applicable Law.

Suppressing, manipulating or in any other way altering copyright and other Intergentium or owner’s reserved rights, fingerprints or any other technical means established for their recognition.

Accessing or trying to access the contents, through means or methods other than those made available or showed on the websites where the contents are or, in general, those regularly used on internet.

Intergentium shall eliminate any information or content that might disrupt the functioning of the Website or be against national or international laws in force.


Users and all those persons who wish to establish a link between their website and are strictly forbidden:

  • To reproduce the website home page.
  • To create a frame on the website pages.
  • To make false, inaccurate or incorrect statements on the website pages or services.
  • To imply that Intergentium, has authorized the link or that it has taken on the services offered or made available through the Website.
  • To reproduce any distinguishing mark owned by Intergentium, unless they are expressly authorized to do so.
  • To reproduce contents opposed to any third party rights, or illicit information or illicit contents.


The Contents of the Website: text, images, trademarks, logos, audio and video files, buttons, software files, combination of colours, as well as the structure, arrangement and presentation of its contents are the property of Intergentium or third parties and are protected by the Spanish and international laws on intellectual property. Reproduction of part or all of the contents thereof in any form is prohibited other than in accordance with the present Legal Notice and the applicable Laws of Spain.

The contents of the Website qualifies as a computer program and falls under the protection granted by Spanish and EU laws.
Use of the Website does not imply any assignment of exploitation rights other than those strictly necessary for its correct use.


Intergentium will not be held liable for damages of any nature regarding the:

  • Presence of viruses, or presence of other elements in the contents that may affect the Users’ computer systems, e-documents or files.
  • Transmission, issuing, storage, availability, reception, gathering or access to the contents.
  • Lack of the Website’s or the services’ availability or continuity. Website or service fallibility, and failure in the access to the different pages or those through which the services are rendered.
  • Functioning of linking technical devices (such as, among others, banners and buttons), directories and search tools that allow Users to access sites belonging to or managed by third parties. The sole purpose of these technical devices is to facilitate the Users’ search and access the information, contents and services available on Internet.
  • Quality, lawfulness, reliability and usefulness of the information, contents and services in the Website or existing in the linked sites.
    Use of the services and contents by users.
  • Lack of truthfulness, force, and / or authenticity of the information provided by users to other users.
  • Contents introduced by Users in forums or distribution lists, or opinions expressed therein. Intergentium is under no obligation to control, and does not control, the use of the Website or of the services.


The terms and conditions that apply to personal data protection and which Intergentium is compliant with can be found in our Privacy Policy


All notifications made by Users or third parties to Intergentium will be deemed effective whenever they are sent by post to Intergentium, at Calle Velázquez 37, 28001, Madrid, Spain or by e-mail through this Website.

If the notification refers to the execution of illegal activities or to the infringement of intellectual property rights, the sender must annex documentation attesting to the fact, as well as an express declaration of its truthfulness.


Intergentium reserves its right to suspend its services at any time, particularly to those Users who infringe the present Legal Notice.


The present Legal Notice and all relations established with Intergentium will be ruled by the Spanish legislation in force. Any dispute shall be resolved by the Spanish Courts according to the jurisdiction rules in force.